Good Reasons For Leaving A Job Apr 25, 2021

How To Explain The Good Reasons For Leaving A Job?

Posted by Admin 5 mins

In next 5 minutes you’ll be able to explain the most suitable and good reasons for leaving a job.

You will get the list of best as well as the worst reasons for leaving a job in this article.

In this article, you’ll find:

  • How to explain the good reasons for leaving a job to whomsoever concern
  • Best, rational and good reasons for leaving a job which is easy and acceptable
  • Worst or bad reasons for leaving a job which is not recommended to use
  • Conclusion on good reasons for leaving a job

Let's begin with the kind of explanation that is required to provide the reasons for leaving a job.

How to explain the good reasons for leaving a job?

I always encourage everyone to be honest and truthful in telling the good reasons for leaving a job! One size does not fit all kinds of answers because everyone's situation is going to be different, but here are some great ways to keep in mind.

When answering questions about quitting or leaving your job, I have shared the following tips to make sure you answer the questions. Strategically and with all the necessary details. This will help you stand out among other applicants, and show some of what you're looking for.

  1. Share honestly why you want to leave
    Think about what you’re going to say before saying this
    • Remember that you are not talking to a friend, you are talking to someone who could potentially influence the decision to hire.
    • Each answer you give during the interview is your chance to show your outline, how you approach challenges, and what attitude you are in to work each day. Don't tear up your old managers, teammates, or company.
    • It's probably something your friends don't like to hear, but it doesn't really look good when talking to a potential company

  2. Connect your reasons with the company you are interviewing for
    • Example: You may want to quit your current job because the work environment is toxic?
      You can frame it in a positive light by explaining to the hiring manager (or the recruiter), one of the things you are looking for in your next job opportunity is a work environment that supports teamwork and opportunities for learning which is missing in your current role.
      If you already know the company you are interviewing with has this type of environment, then connect why you left your previous role with the position you are interviewing now.
      Isn't it a win-win? Also it gives a little more insight to who you are as a person as well!

    • This step requires you to do a bit of research on the company you are interviewing with in order to connect the dots here
      - You know, Glassdoor is an amazing resource for getting an honest "inside look" to a company’s work environments and lists of pros/cons from both current and former employees.

Best, rational and good reasons for leaving a job

  • You are going for higher studies or education
  • You are looking for work which more challenging
  • You are planning for a startup or moving to a family business
  • Your company has too few growth opportunities
  • You are planning for a long term onsite
  • You want to change your domain or technology - explain them about your new domain or technology and how exited you are in doing so.
  • You are getting any upper or better position in some company then tell them about your progress and your passion towards it.
  • Your current company job was totally different than what was initially communicated
  • Your company management freezed raises adnd promotions
  • You have family problems so going hometown for few months
  • If you are unmarried, then you have reasons that you got engaged and need to relocate to other city or country
  • You are not getting a promotion though I am working hard
  • Your salary is very low as compared to the industry standards.
  • You are getting married overseas and hence you won't be able to continue
  • You have to travel on business every now and then
  • Your work has been outsourced
  • Your campany has been aquired by another company
  • Your campany is undergoing a restructure

Most of the answers above sum up all of these, let's try to simplify.
At what stage do your demands and expectations change? Your life or job you are at. One truth will always remain the same, the pay or salary. We all have EMI's, bills to pay, and many have mouths to feed.

  • Money or Pay
  • Work culture or environment
  • Scope or type of work
  • Knowledge aquired

Worst or bad reasons for leaving a job

  • You were fired by the employer
  • You are leaving because of the legal reasons
  • You are leaving as the company was disappointing and bad to work for
  • You hate your work or your boss
  • You didn't like office politics
  • Your manager did not keep his promises
  • Your work was very boring and monotonous
  • You don’t want to work overtime and over weekly offs
  • Your task targets were not realistic and very difficult to achieve

Final Thoughts on good reasons for leaving a job

I am sure out of the above good reasons for leaving a job you may be thinking about some to tell to your interviewer.
Decide what you are going to say before your interview and practice it.
Your home work or preparation is the key to talking through the good reasons for leaving a job.
I always encourage everyone to be honest and truthful in telling the reasons for leaving a job.

I hope you found these good reasons for leaving a job helpful.
All the best for your new job!


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