Free Sample Of Employment Verification Letter Template Apr 25, 2021

Free Sample Of Employment Verification Letter Template

Posted by Admin 8 mins

Ah ha! You have been asked to request or write an employment verification letter and you have no idea about it.

Nothing to worry, the fact is that the employment verification letter is a simple document that you can easily request or write.

Our Employment verification letter templates and samples can help you get started.

In this article, you’ll find:

  • What is Employment verification letter?
  • Guidelines for requesting employment verification letter
  • Guidelines for writing employment verification letter
  • Employment verification letter template and samples
  • Conclusion on Letter of resignation

Let's understand 'Employment verification letter' to begin with.

What is Employment verification letter?

Employment verification letter is also known as Proof of Income Letter or Letter of Employment or Proof of Employment, to confirm employee’s employment status, employment dates and salary information.

The details of the employment verification letter are depending on the reason the third party needs for employment verification and what employee’s company allows employee to share with other companies.

Guidelines for requesting employment verification letter

  • It's very important to get the consent from employee to contact his/her previous employer for employment verification letter. If employee is currently working in his previous organization, you don’t want to unintentionally put at risk his/her current work situation if that is a concern for employee.

  • Contact the employee’s previous employer by email.

  • If you have not receieved any response on email then you can call them to get the employment verification letter.

  • Make sure the contact number you get is the company’s official number and not an individual's mobile number which employee may have provided as a fake number.

  • After collecting employee’s references ask few related questions like -

    • employee’s start and end dates of employment
    • employee’s designation and job title
    • duties and role of the employee performed during their job tenure
    • employee’s reason for leaving a job
    • employee’s current salary
    • eligibility for rehire the employee
    • code of conduct of the employee

Guidelines for writing employment verification letter

The details you can include in the employment verification letter depends on what the requesting party needs. Also mention requirements regarding the types of data employers are permitted to disclose or share with third-parties.

An employment verification letter should be printed on organization’s official letterhead which has the organization logo.

  • date of employment verification letter
  • employer address with contact details
  • a formal greeting
  • name of Employee
  • employee’s start and end dates of employment
  • duties and role of the employee performed during their job tenure
  • employee’s reason for leaving a job
  • code of conduct of the employee
  • employee’s current salary
  • your signature
Keep your employment verification letter concise and professional. Include the essendetail details which are asked by the person requesting a employment verification letter. That simple writing this letter is!

Employment verification letter template and samples

Keep in mind employment verification letter template and samples are for your reference and may vary based on the requested information however this is just a general outline. Feel free to adjust these letters a bit based on your experience and your company culture, then submit it via the typical procedures defined by your company.

Employment verification letter template 1

Employment Verification Letter:

Date: [Date of employment verification letter]

[Name of company]
[Address of the Company]
[City, State Zip Code]

To Whom It May Concern / Dear [Name of the requesting person],

This letter is to verify that [Employee name] has been employed at [Name of Company] from [start date of employment] till [end date of employment/date]. He holds the title of [job title] and his/her current salary is [mention employee's current salary].

If you have any queries or require additional information, please give me a call on the number [your contact number] or email me at [your email address].


[Your handwritten signature]
[Your Name]

Final Thoughts on employment verification letter template

You have understood the employment verification letter template for either requesting it or writing it.
Refer to the organization policy for employment verification letter and use organization letter head.
A good employment verification letter is brief, precise, informative and confirms the employee details.

I hope you found this article helpful.


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